SOFY bleach-free, Soonhanmyun Comfort Sleep 420

SOFY’s bleach-free,
Soonhanmyun Comfort Sleep
makes you feel comfort
all night without worrying about leakage
My friends envy me, saying that
I do not seem to worry about my monthly period.
During the exam period, they keep asking me why!
My secret to spending my days without feeling exhausted
during my monthly period is SOFY
Soonhanmyun and Bleach-Free Inner Cover Comfort Sleep.
I am lucky to experience
deep sleep even during those days of the month!
With the world’s first Etiquette Tap,
you can cleanly and discreetly dispose of sanitary pads!
Buy Now
SOFY Soonhanmyun
and Bleach-Free Inner Cover with the Color of Nature Comfort Sleep
Super Long 42cm
Bleach-free inner cover For sensitive skin
SOFY cares not only about the parts of a sanitary pad
that touch your skin but also those that do not!
Without the bleaching process, the inner cover takes on
the color of nature instead of a plain white.
무표백 속커버

100% Natural Cotton Cover that resembles nature
This absorbent sanitary pad, which is gentle on the skin,
will make you feel secured.
무표백 속커버

SOFY Soonhanmyun bleach-free absorption pads with the color of nature
Sizing Lineup

Size Panty Liner Long Panty Liner Small
쏘피 유기농 100% 순면커버 무표백 속커버
Medium Large Overnight Super Long (Slim)
25cm 39cm