SOFY Bleach-free Soonhanmyun

Bleach-free absorption
pads are
gentle on your skin.
Bleach-free inner Cover For sensitive skin
SOFY cares not only about the parts of a sanitary pad
that touch your skin but also those that do not!
Without the bleaching process, the inner cover takes on
the color of nature instead of a plain white.

100% Natural Cotton Cover
This absorbent sanitary pad, which is gentle to the skin,
will make you feel secured.

쏘피만의 세계특허 세계 최초 에티켓탭으로 뒷처리까지 깔끔

SOFY Soonhanmyun and
Bleach-Free Inner Cover with
the Color of Nature
Sizing Lineup

Size Panty Liner Long Panty Liner Small
쏘피 유기농 100% 순면커버 무표백 속커버
Medium Large Overnight Super Long (Slim)
25cm 39cm